What is Wagyu Beef?

Cooking Guides

Wagyu is a breed of cattle naturally predisposed to produce beef that is densely marbled. In fact, Wagyu Beef surpasses USDA marbling standards for prime-grade beef. Often referred to as the "foie gras of beef," Wagyu has an exquisitely tender texture and incomparable, luxurious taste.

The Legend of Kobe Beef...

  • Most people have heard of the famous Kobe beef from Japan.
  • Wagyu is a pure breed of cattle with a Herd Registry Book in Japan dating back to 1830.
  • The word Wagyu means Beef of Japan.
  • Until recently, Wagyu Beef could only be obtained in Japan. Visitors, especially the early sailors, returned from Japan with stories about the amazing quality of Japanese beef. It had tremendous tenderness, juiciness, and flavor that they had never experienced previously anywhere in the world. The seaport city of Kobe is the capital of the Hyogo Prefecture and this is the city where many sailors from Western countries first experienced Kobe Beef.
  • The restaurants of Kobe developed an international reputation by serving the very best beef in the world.
  • Australian Certified Wagyu Beef carries on the tradition- THE NEXT GENERATION.

Wagyu Beef is Healthy Beef...

  • Wagyu cattle produce unsaturated fats to a much greater degree than any other beef breed in the world.
  • Wagyu cattle have a greater marbling propensity than any other beef animal and Australian Certified Wagyu Beef has the best of the Japanese genetics for the production of marbled beef.
  • When compared with other beef breeds, Wagyu intramuscular marbling has a 2:1 ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids. The chemical composition of these Wagyu fats is considered to be closely related to the delectably different flavor of Wagyu beef.
  • Wagyu beef contains essential combined nutrients that cannot be found elsewhere. Those nutrients for which beef is a significant source are protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, iron and zinc. All essential amino acids are present in the correct ratio to build protein for strong and healthy bones.

From Conception to Consumption...

To ensure consistent high eating quality all the time we select only the best bloodlines, raise our Wagyu in a clean air environment, complete the feeding program on a specially formulated natural grain diet and processed to the highest specification and quality assurance programs.
These factors are why Wagyu will provide the ultimate dining experience. A tender juicy, Wagyu meal full of flavor and cooked to perfection - THIS IS THE WAGYU GUARANTEE

Wagyu Cooking

The best way to prepare Wagyu Beef is to cook it fast over a hot flame. The fat in Wagyu Beef melts at a lower temperature than regular beef. Sear in the moisture and flavor and don't overcook it. If you overcook it, you risk having all the fat melt away. The fat is essential in providing the flavor and moisture for which it is famous. Quickly searing it over a hot fire, or in a cast-iron pan, reduces the shrinkage and keeps in the flavor. "Well done" should not be an option for this great meat.

Beef Grading Scales

The beef grading scale used by the US Department of Agriculture refers to the amount of fat in the beef, though the USDA describes it as a description of "tenderness, juiciness, and flavor." "Marbled" fat refers to the level of fat distributed throughout the "lean," or edible meat portion of the beef". Kobe beef's quality is so high (and so much better than even top prime beef) that it does not fit on their chart. Where the US grades "Select, Choice, & Prime", the Japanese beef grading scale has a range of 1-12, with twelve being the best meat possible. A score of 12 is extremely rare and nearly all white with strands of lean beef.

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